Hi! This is me, Tracey (the human)! I live in sunny and very hot Florida, have an amazing husband, 4 wonderful kids, and a dog. I love to garden and bake. While my most prized title is mom, I take on many roles, like most of us do. I'm a wife, mother, essential oil educator and homeschool teacher to my youngest son.
What will you find here? A glimpse into my life, things I love and what keeps me and my family going.
If anything interests you, fill out the email section below so we can chat or contact me on my cell.
Looking forward to connecting with you!
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Natural Solutions
for healthy, empowered living
I began using essential oils in April, 2016 when I was struggling with extreme digestive issues and needed options. Like most of us, I went to a local health store and picked up some lavender. It smelled good but didn't do anything for me. Then I was introduced to doTERRA. I was very skeptical at first because, well, I already tried an essential oil with no success. However, once I experienced the benefits of doTERRA's Certified Pure Tested Grade Essential Oils and paired them with a more natural lifestyle, I was hooked (family included).
My goal is to help you feel at ease, prepared and confident on how to incorporate essential oils and other natural products safely around every member of the family – children and pets included!
Supporting Autism...Naturally
Colton's Corner
Have you heard the saying "It takes a village"? There isn't a more fitting statement when talking about raising someone with Autism. As difficult and stressful as it can be, it is also very rewarding. Every new accomplishment, big or small, is something to celebrate. My youngest son, Colton, has Autism. Click the button below to learn about a few of the natural tools we utilize from our wellness toolbox that help him continue to grow.
Questions or Comments?
Send me a message and I'll get back to you.
Simple Essential Living © 2025
*The statements found throughout this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.